Welcome to The Henry Grew School!

We are excited to begin giving lessons in piano, violin, and guitar at The Henry Grew Elementary School in Hyde Park, Massachusetts. We are starting this Wednesday, November 10th, with violin lessons after school at Grew. Since Thursday is a holiday, we won’t begin guitar and piano lessons until next week. There’s still time to sign up, and spaces are open in 3rd-5th grade violin and piano, and in K-2nd grade guitar. Just click on https://thevms.org/afterschool/ to enroll your Grew child today!

No children at The Grew School, BTU Pilot or Stoddert Elementary? Just send us an email or give us a call at a local number the bottom of our Contact Us page on our site. We will be happy to explore setting up after school music clubs at your child’s school, because at The Village Music School, Everyone Is Musical!